Welcome to Zombieville USA 3D AFK Farming Guide. Perks and weapon upgrades are expensive in this game. Here’s how to farm cash AFK!
The Build – Weapon Selection
Both Flame Edge and Mageblade are viable weapons due to their dual Melee and Elemental type.
The main mechanic behind this build is the interaction between life-steal and elemental stuns. Elemental stuns prevent non-cursed zombies from attacking you and give you time to heal up. This is especially important in later rounds as it prevents you from being overwhelmed by damage and allows you to tank through cursed zombies. Additionally, cash drops scale as rounds progress, so surviving is key!
Don’t have enough money for the full build? Here are the most important perks.
ampire – Your most consistent source of health regeneration
Grave Robber – For increased cash generation from melee kills
Daddy Warbucks – For increased cash generation
Body Armor – Reduces damage taken, allowing you to survive longer
Ninja – Increases the effectiveness of melee weapons, enabling you to survive longer
The Location
Where you choose to AFK is an important factor in mitigating damage. Mobs should only be able to attack you from the front, preventing you from being overwhelmed. Mobs should also spawn close to your location, allowing you to sustain life-steal in later rounds as cursed zombies scale in their damage. If zombies spawn too far and take too long to walk into your attack range, your healing will not be able to keep up.
There are several locations in the game that meet these criteria. Personally, my favorite one is a small alcove in the southwest corner of the map. The video below showcases why it’s effective.
Since zombies can only spawn within a limited range of the character, and most of the area around this position is inaccessible, zombies spawn very close in front of the character. This ensures that there’s always plenty of zombies to life-steal from, allowing you to effectively tank damage.
How do I get there?
Since this game does not provide a mini-map and is extremely confusing to navigate, hopefully these landmarks serve as an indicator that you are in the right area. In general, try to travel southwest as much as possible.
Landmark 1: If you are at this store, travel south on the main road to the right.
Landmark 2: If you are in this small neighborhood, travel west along the main road.
The Result
Unluckily, a group of explosive zombies were right behind a cursed explosive zombie, resulting in a chain explosion that killed me instantly. Still, look at all those dollars!