The meta in Cookie Run Kingdom has changed since Wedding Cake Cookie and Black Forest Cookie were added. While some cookies have always been poor investments, others are no longer effective. Here is a thorough list of Cookie Run Kingdom Best Cookies to Avoid in (March 2025) that you should not upgrade or use in your team at this time if you want to maximise your resources.
Cookie Run Kingdom Best Cookies to Avoid in (March 2025)
Cookie Frost Queen
Once upon a time, Frost Queen Cookie was one of the most practical cookies. She was highly recommended for those stages and played a significant role in Living Abyss battles. Her significance has, however, diminished considerably since the advent of Wedding Cake Cookie and Black Forest Cookie.
Unless you require her for specific content, like Choco Cake Tower Trade 20, Frost Queen Cookie is not currently a priority investment. Frost Queen is still needed for that specific stage, and I’m attempting to get past it without utilising her Crystal Jam upgrade. If you have her Crystal Jam, it can make that stage much easier, but outside of that, she is not as relevant.
Now that epic cookies can function well in that mode, her usefulness in the Living Abyss battle has entirely vanished. This implies that there isn’t much justification for Frost Queen to be upgraded further.
Pinecone Cookie
Pinecone cookies are another cookie whose value has significantly decreased. The fall of Frost Queen from the meta has a direct bearing on this. In Living Abyss, Pinecone and Frost Queen were frequently paired, but since Frost Queen is no longer necessary, Pinecone has also become much less valuable.
Pinecone can still be helpful when paired with Frost Queen and Sherbet Cookie if you’re trying to complete Choco Cake Tower Trade 20. However, Pinecone cannot freeze enemies if you do not have Frost Queen’s Crystal Jam upgrade, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this combination.
Additionally, Guild Boss Battles used to prioritise Pinecone’s Magic Candy upgrade. However, it has lost some of its power due to recent meta changes. Consequently, it is no longer advised to invest in Pinecone.
Ancient Cookies to Avoid
Let’s now discuss the Ancient Cookies. Hollyberry Cookie is the Ancient Cookie you should stay away from the most at the moment.
The weakest Ancient Cookie at the moment is Hollyberry. She has been having trouble lately, and she will keep losing to more capable tanks unless she gains an Awakened Form. Following the release of Eternal Sugar in May, rumours and conjecture suggest that Hollyberry may get an Awakened version in June. We will have to wait for formal announcements as this is not confirmed.
Another Ancient Cookie that is not a high priority is White Lily Cookie. White Lily has a strong skill set, but when ranking the Ancient Cookies in terms of priority, she falls behind others.
If you are deciding which Ancient Cookie to focus on, the order should be:
- Pure Vanilla Cookie – He is currently the best Ancient because of his healing abilities.
- Golden Cheese Cookie – A strong attacker but slightly less essential than Pure Vanilla.
- Dark Cacao Cookie – Still has good uses but not as strong as the first two.
- White Lily Cookie – Good but not a top-tier priority.
- Hollyberry Cookie – The weakest Ancient right now and should be avoided.
Beast Cookies to Avoid
Shadow Milk Cookie is currently the Beast Cookie that needs the most attention, particularly for Arena combat.
Another excellent choice is Burning Spice Cookie, which has more PvE content than Shadow Milk Cookie. But Shadow Milk is a better option for Arena.
Mystic Flower Cookie is one Beast Cookie that isn’t worth the money. Although Mystic Flower can be useful in certain story mode stages and in the Choco Cake Tower, she is not a very good option overall. Although Pure Vanilla still performs better than Mystic Flower in the majority of situations, some players think she is a better healer in some circumstances.
Legendary Cookies to Avoid
Among the Legendary Cookies, Wind Archer Cookie is still the best right now. If you do not have Wind Archer, it is worth pulling for him. However, his dominance in the meta may not last long because Fire Spirit Cookie is expected to be released soon. If Fire Spirit turns out to be strong, Wind Archer may become less relevant.
The second-best Legendary Cookie at the moment is Moonlight Cookie. She has strong Arena team compositions and her Crystal Jam upgrade at level 20 makes her significantly stronger.
Other Legendary Cookies, ranked in terms of usefulness:
Wind Archer Cookie – Currently the best but may be replaced soon.
Moonlight Cookie – Strong in both PvE and PvP.
Stormbringer Cookie or Frost Queen Cookie – Depending on your needs.
Black Pearl Cookie – No longer as strong as before.
Sea Fairy Cookie – One of the weakest Legendaries right now.
Additionally, Pataya Dragon Cookie is the worst Dragon-type Cookie at the moment. It may seem strong in early gameplay, but as you progress, its effectiveness drops significantly. Avoid investing in Pataya until the Dragon updates arrive, which are expected next year.