This is a general Dice & Fold Beginner Guide & Walkthrough Wiki that applies to most heroes, and works consistently (at least on normal level).
Dice & Fold Beginner Guide & Walkthrough Wiki
So starting a normal level game, heroes are not that different. Their abilities doesn’t matter too much. There for sure are stronger ones. Some heroes with no trinkets and low initial health is icky though (like the Craftsman). But here is the trinket set that worked easily generally:
If you have not unlocked “Cosmic Petal”, try starting with preset dices in slots.
If you do not have the “Puppet”, try other discounting items.
“Very Big sword” is awesome but I have never used it on normal.
If you are using “Straw hat”, get the Artist
Phoenix Plume is good to have when nothing is unlocked or you have a third slot.
Some basic stuff in-game, try to follow this workflow in every stage
1. Bring the enemy down to one left, focus high attack enemies first.
2. Reduce the last enemy attack to 1 or 2 if possible.
3. Keep tanking while rolling, until you fill the Gold Coin set every stage!
4. Ready your ability in the process.
5. Fill your dice slots with different dices you think you need the most.
6. Fold the final enemy.
7. Do the same next stage
!! Do consider if tanking is worth it sometimes!!
I would say even 10~15 health left going to the next stage is pretty safe.
So, even when the dungeon master is out, let it out for a turn doesn’t hurt.
The big turnoff is Boars and Rats, they have high attack. So if you are not happy, restart!
Aim for anything that has a attack of 1.
Item selection
Think about how easy can you trigger the item and synergy with your hero/companion’s ability.
Getting more items usually helps.
Which is why the -1$ trinket is helpful, it gives you a lot of flexibility and more options.
Don’t go for items that has negative effects. It might easily mess you up.
Go for items that brings you Coins or saves you money, if it triggers easily and often.
Go for items that brings you colored dices and more dice rolls.
Go for items that heals passively, especially if your HP is low.
Otherwise, save money.
Items by percentage are fairly good, buy it only if you are wealthy.
In mid to late game and prior boss fight
Go for items that has negative effects, if it is useful in anyway.
Prioritize on getting more dice rolls or colored dices.
Again, think about use frequency and synergy
Don’t waste money just to buy something that seems good but doesn’t work with your skill sets.
Companion Selection
Unpopular opinion, my companion selection:
Prioritize and make sure to activate their skills EVERY STAGE (even if you have to lose some extra 1~3 HP, still worth it):
Peasant (try only putting 6)
Shopkeeper (possible free item)
Beggar (make sure you have 5 silver coins).
Game ending go for:
Scribe (make sure you activate before stage 29)
Early solid picks:
Seems strong but not really efficient:
Seems not that strong but actually fun and works:
(These companion’s skill can be used unlimited in a stage, so you know with the things you can do with it.)
The only bad companion to me is the the Advisor
Applying all these basics and boss fight
If you do it consistently by the time you reach boss room, you should have:
Enough HP to tank some damage with your companion.
Enough dices to deal with various situations.
Enough items to help you deal with damages and defense or healing.
Boss fight is when the ability matters, so might as well have it ready beforehand.
Make sure you fill your dice slots before coming in.
Boss is random up till “warlock”, after that, it is simpler. But with good timing on when to pop your ability along with your companions, normal bosses are not too bad.
It also applies to endless mode. But in endless mode, some heroes are much easier than others
And still, I am just following the same flow in every stage.